Chicisimo is a fashion community to discover and share what-to-wear ideas. (Discover Chicisimo in 2 minutes)
von USA, Houston
  • 119Follower
  • 393-2%chics/month
Forever21  Blazersforever21.comVisit, Forever21  Hoseforever21.comVisit and JustFab  Clutch/Abendtasche
Zara  Jumpsuits, JustFab  Clutch/Abendtasche and Shoedazzle  Stiefeletten
Zara  Jumpsuits, Forever21  Blazers and Louis Vuitton  Flatslouisvuitton.comVisit
Jc Penney  Pullover, levi's  Jeanslevistrauss.comVisit and Hermes  Taschen
Forever21  Blazers, Zara  Tanktops and Forever21  Hose
J Brand  Hemd / Blusen, Forever21  Röcke and Hermes  Clutch/Abendtasche
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Album created by
Album created by mariell
Album created by Lêka Confortini
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Jemanden zu folgen ist der beste Weg, um ALLE looks zu sehen, die geteilt werden: Du siehst sie dann unter "Fashionistas, denen ich folge".

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