I MISS THE SUMMER vor 276 days

12 people loved this look

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Kommentare (6)

  1. nataliokb

    vor 276 days

    Beautiful! Chic-Chic!

  2. Love the Clothes

    vor 275 days

    precioso vestido + chic :) besos

  3. Borka Gamero

    vor 275 days

    Chic look!
    I adore the floral dress

  4. thirtiesinthecity

    vor 275 days

    HI! I like your style! wanna follow each other? xx

  5. pperlenoir

    vor 269 days

    El vestido es muy bonito
    Mi chic para tí

  6. Margareth S

    vor 219 days

    beautiful colours